Saturday, February 14, 2009

Creative Living Interview #4

For my latest Creative Living interview, I am excited to introduce you to Elizabeth, or Liz. She is a college student at UNC-G studying education. She is also master of origami - check out her amazing creations (and the great pic above!). She also just got back from time abroad in Russia (love that pic above!). Thanks for being featured on my blog, E!! You are amazing!

Enjoy meeting Liz!

-Tell us a little about yourself – your name, where you live, your work.
My name is Liz, I live in Greensboro as a student at UNC Greensboro. I am an Elementary Education Major with a Minor in Russian and a Concentration in Classical Studies-Greek. All this really means is that I am studying to be a teacher and last semester I studied abroad in Kazan, Russia. I am currently looking for a job, but my last job was at Family Christian Bookstores. I had to quit when I studied abroad.
-What creative crafts or activities do you like to do? Tell us what you like to do and why it appeals to you.
I like to work with my hands and generally I either fold origami or knit. Generally I fold large origami balls involving between twelve and sixty sheets of paper called kusudama. I like to hang them around my dorm room or give them as presents. My one complaint with origami is that it only takes a small amount of time to fold something so folding kusudama works very well for me-it takes between six hours and two weeks to fold depending on how detailed I want. I have always liked folding origami ever since I got an origami book from a book order form in Elementary School.
-Do you have a person that inspires you (living or historical)? Tell us about her or him!
I think I am most inspired by nature- I always try to fold flowers or imitate them. It always reminds me about the passage in the bible about the flowers in the field. Even if my creations do not match the flowers in the field I know I’m protected and that I will be ok.
-Do you have a book or movie that makes you feel creative? Tell us about it!
I really love to watch black and white films and fold.
-What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
An estate called Pavlovsk outside of St. Petersburg, Russia in the fall. It was just the most beautiful, peaceful place I’ve ever been. All of the trees were quietly smouldering in yellows and reds and a little stream peacefully wound its way through the countryside. It was historically the home of Catherine the Great era nobles but now is just a beautiful park.
-What creative things would you like to learn this year?
I’d like to learn to fold more complicated folds and develop the art of baking in dorm kitchens.-Do you make anything, have a website, etc. ? List the link here!I have a deviantart page with pictures of some of my stuff as well as some pictures I took this summer in My picasa page of pictures from Europe:

Check out Liz's pics - she is SO smart, creative, and talented! Thanks again for being featured on my blog, Liz!

1 comment:

Miss Elissa said...

Those pictures of Pavlovsk are really beautiful! I see what you mean!