Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jewelry: Finding a Match

I love this photo of my amazing artist friend Phaedra wearing one of my jewelry creations. Phaedra is one of my most inspiring artist friends - she is a sculptor, gardener, art teacher, domestic goddess, and more recently an encaustic artist. This bright red necklace just suits her - the top drilled stones give the piece a sculptural feel and the red is just right for her vibrant personality.

As a jewelry designer, this is my main motivation. I love helping people find something that is "them" and expresses something about their personality. Isn't that what fashion is - a way to express who we are on the inside on the outside? That's one interpretation, anyways. :-)

Perhaps this is why I'm drawn to pearls. I'm a pretty simple classic gal - I love my cream pearls. But I also have a side that loves the funky and different. For example, this Peaches and Cream necklace is one of my favorites. It's classic pearls - but funky baroque shapes and you can wear the necklace in three different ways - cream at the bottom, peach at the bottom, or asymmetrical. Classic, but funky and chic.

What's your style? What stones speak to you?

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