Thursday, June 4, 2009

These Tough Times

The news just doesn't seem to be getting better, is it? Seemed like a good time to post on another creative strategy to make the best in these tough times - and best of all, IT IS FREE.

Bartering, according to Websters, is "to trade by exchanging one commodity for another." I was reading Real Simple last month, and they had a great article on bartering that you can read here. What a super idea - you want a necklace, I want a picture? Let's swap!

Here are some ideas:

Instead of SHOPPING for new clothes, try SWAPPING and host a Girl's Swap Night

Do you have a special skill? You make excellent birthday cakes, you make jewelry, you knit, you quilt, you know how to make pillows - all of those are great skills! Why not swap with other friends and leverage those skills to create a win/win where you both get something you want for free! I did this with a friend of mine who is an amazing knitter - she knit booties for my friend's baby boy, and I will send her a necklace. And aren't handmade things more meaningful than big-box store purchases anyhow? Get creative!

Those of you who are parents - why not swap kid days so you can have more time for a part-time job or even precious rest and refreshment time? It takes a village, after all - lets work together and help each other out.

What are some creative barter ideas you can come up with?
By the way - I'm open to bartering. Feel free to contact me with any ideas. :-)

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